Projekty | Adaptácia testu KiddyCAT

Adaptácia testu KiddyCAT

Logopédi sa môžu tešiť na nový diagnostický nástroj hodnotenia postojov detí k ich zajakávaniu a reči.
V spolupráci s pani profesorkou Vanryckeghem, M. a Brutten, G. J. pripravujeme Slovenskú adaptáciu testu KiddyCAT  - Communication Attitude Test for Preschool and Kindergarten Children who Stutter (Test hodnotiaci postoje ku komunikácii pre deti v predškolskom veku (3-6 rokov) so zajakavosťou) ©Vanryckeghem, M. & Brutten, G. J.

Sme vďační autorom za odbornú pomoc a podporu v adaptácii testu na Slovenský jazyk. V lete 2022 bola ukončená fáza backtranslation a  preklad metodiky - aj vďaka našim logopedičkám zo SCPP IDR. Od januára  - mája 2023 bude prebiehať vyšetrovanie detí bez zajakavosti a detí so zajakavosťou (medzi  3-6 rokom života). 

Referencie odborníkov:
"The KiddyCAT was designed for use with children between 3 and 6 years of age ... Even at this young age ... children who stutter revealed significantly poorer speech-associated attitude than [their] ... fluent peers."
- Oliver Bloodstein and Nan Bernstein Ratner, A Handbook on Stuttering (2008)
- " is important that young children's feelings and reactions to their own stuttering and their general sense of well-being are addressed. To this end, the development of the KiddyCat is a welcome clinical tool, given the paucity of standardised evaluations of this nature for very young children who stutter. The KiddyCat is an easy-to-administer test that has been specifically design by speech pathologists to assess the speech-associated attitudes of very young children. The development of the took took into consideration Brutten's (1984) Communication Attitude Test (CAT) for children and the practical and linguistic limitations for use with children younger than six years."
—Elizabeth A. Cardell, BSpThy, MSpPath, LCST(London), PhD; MSPA, CPSP, International Journal of Disability, Development and Education (2010)

Za adaptáciu do slovenčiny je zodpovedná a autorom poverená: H. Laciková